Importance of Load Flow Studies: Load Flow (or Power Flow Analysis) is one of the most important analysis to be performed on a Power System. Load Flow results help in maintinaing proper operation of a Power System and also to design and extend the existing Power System. Various industry standard softwares are used for load flow […]
Introduction to ETAP for Power System Modeling & Simulations
Modeling & Simulation softwares hold great value for Power System Designers. Engineers have to use these softwares all the time to analyze and test their designed before actual implementation. Softwares are used for various analyses e.g, cost-benefit analyses, feasibility analysis, protection coordination etc before deploying the system.
Matlab/Simulink for Power Engineers
As an Electrical Power Engineering student, one must have a sound knowledge of Simulation softwares and development environments. For rapid prototyping and testing, simulations play a vital role. Different tasks require various tools to complete the job efficiently and economically.
Final Year Project Ideas for B.S Electrical Engineering
Students may choose any final year project based on their interest and scope. 1 Design and Development of an Active Beacons Localization System for Mobile Robots 2 Design and Development of a Control System for a Self Balancing Mobile Robot
Solution to Energy Crisis in Pakistan
Energy is part and parcel of every aspect of life as well as backbone of a country’s economy. Pakistan is lagging behind in this area despite of rich reserves of raw energy, but there is dire need for the investment and proper use of these reserves for driving the wheel of economy. Present energy scenario […]