DC machines are the workhorse of industry. Know about the basic construction and function of a DC machine in this article.
Digital Controller Design: Case Study of Coupled Tanks
This is a tutorial on Digital Controller Design. A case study using coupled liquid tank system is presented in this series.
Find your Dream Scholarship at Scholarship Forum
Finding a good scholarship is hard; let alone applying for it and securing it. Good Scholarship opportunities are hard to find and are extremely competitive. I have suffered through the same dilemma through which higher-ed aspirants pass every single day until they secure a good fully-funded scholarship for graduate school. Scholarship Forum is such a […]
Wind Power Plant Control: Wind Power Course Part-7
Though each wind power plant is designed and optimized according to the conditions prevailing at its installation site, the plant needs some wind power plant control, and nonetheless fits into one of three main concepts as illustrated below. These individual concepts are described in more detail next. Constant-speed wind power plant Asynchronous generators connected directly […]
Wind Power Plant Components – Wind Power Part-6
In this course on the wind energy conversion systems, know more about the various wind power plant components and their function.